
simple math

Secert, leave everything else blank in that search dialog. Maybe thats the error because you get no result.
Apparently the search feature has just been updated and still has some bugs in it.
Now you can use the Advanced search to do the following:
then in the box labeled "Players" you should enter enter "MrSecertAgentMan",
then in the box labeled "White" you should enter "MrSecertAgentMan".
then in the box labeled "Mode" you should enter "rated".
Next, in the box labeled "Winner color" you should enter "white".
You should get "120 games found".
Next, in the box labeled "Black" you should enter "MrSecertAgentMan".
Next, in the box labeled "Winner color" you should enter "black".
You should get "117 games found".
Now we can now determine the number of draws by entering "Winner color as "None".
You should get "45 games found".

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