
How I boosted my Bullet Rating from 1900 21

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So I went from 1900 to 2150 I'm gonna teach you how to boost your rating Let's get in to it.

So Number 1 is Important Remember Don't try openings or traps you don't know or just heard it Memorize the Trap Or Opening first
Number 2 I recommend you to use same opening that you know very well every
Number 3 While in time scramble always look for check or sac when your opponent's clock is ticking low then play unexpected moves like sac the queen for check or the rook for check
Number 4 Play with confidence It's ok to be mad for losing but don't blame if you broke something
Number 5 Don't play g4 or b4 It's bad for your queen side or king side
That's it Like for more!image