IM Wildindian Lichess coach picture

IM Zaur Tekeyev

Exercises and training positions for different areas of your game, consultations, opening work, and much more.

LanguagesEnglish (US), русский язык
RatingFIDE: 242028332723
Hourly rate$40/hr. Available for lessons and training games
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

International Master, author, and coach from Russia.

Playing experience

Teaching experience

I've been teaching and consulting chess players of different levels and ages for several years.
I have experience of helping people with tactics, calculation, strategy, different openings, endgames, psychology, etc.

This experience proves to be useful for my work with new students, but still, I keep on following new trends and trying new things in teaching.

Other experiences

Best skills

I have experience in helping players of different agse and levels with different goals. Some wanted to get from 1000 to 1500 or from 1200 to 1800. Others have been working with me for years and now pursue OTB titles.

Message me to know if I can help you with your goals.

Overall, I enjoy helping adult improvers overcome different obstacles, but kids tend to love me too (I guess because I remember what it was like to study chess as a kid?).

Teaching methodology

Some people come with certain issues in their play. If you feel like you are one of them, you can message me and describe your request to make sure I can help you.

If you want to improve your game but don't know in which direction to go, we can define that together.

Overall, I use different teaching methods. Here are some of my favorite ones:
- exercises for improving certain areas of the game. I often give it as homework.
- guess the move (solitaire chess) - the method considered by many to be one of the most efficient for chess improvement.
- different types of exercises for calculation (visualization, tactical vision, imagination, etc.).
- game collections for different topics to enrich your knowledge.
- playing games and training positions: for diagnosing your game and improving your skills in practice.
- discussions of chess psychology, tips, and tricks to improve your practical results.

Latest blog posts

Fitzgerald's Advice For Your Chess

Drawing parallels between chess, life, and writing.

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