
Reset rating?

Is there any way to reset all the ratings to default?

Will my account get closed for sandbagging?
Dont sandbag. Just play and no problems will happen. Or you can close your account and make a new one that is the only way to "reset" your rating.
Thank you @ noob2chess

So that I can climb back to my level - rating faster.

Now I have to play a lot of games to get back to 2350-2400. @Tangelo777
If you're worried your account might get closed for sandbagging, why did you do it in the first place?
I got crazy after losing to some cheats. Btw I have reported them.
Ratings would be utterly pointless (well, even more than they already are in online chess) if you could just reset them at will.
You know, if you are good player and have a low rating because of a bad tournament, you can simply beat a few high rated players. You will get high rating very fast. If you want to reset ratings in order to get high rating by beating beginners, it won't work. You probably talk about bullet. I failed terribly at 0.5/0 minutes games hyperbullet tournament. I got all my points back at 0/4 and 2/1 games. The 0.5/0 and 1/0 are still very difficult for me.
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