
Is there any way to set student's rating to more than 800 in Lichess Classes?

I'm making a Lichess Class for a bunch of students rated between 900-1300 (Lichess Rapid) however I can't figure out a way to set there level to anything more than 800. I need to create the accounts for them, and they will be in kid mode (so they don't need an email associated with it). But I feel bad about the start of their chess journey where they will take rating from 800s. I suppose it's no different from a master creating a new account and taking rating from a 1500. Still, is there any way to set the rating to anything more than 1000? Just to reitterate, creating new normal accounts for them would not work as I would need lots of new emails. The appeal of the Lichess classes is that I don't need heaps of new emails for them. Thanks.

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