
Fun game against a 2700+ player

You all need to shut up, especially you castleguy231. He never claimed it was an amazing. He just said it was a fun game and beating a 2700 in any form doesn't happen everyday and it's good however he did it. F your book line theory openings. Chess is dead because of people like you. Shut up.
Ah so blitz and bullet are no longer chess. I'll be sure to inform all of the titled players out there wasting their time playing "not chess" in their "not chess" tournaments. hikaru will be highly disappointed.
Oh goodness. He won the game with a checkmate against a 2700 rated player. If I blunder a mate in 1 like he did I deserve to lose. I don't understand why so many high rated players have a superiority complex against lower-rated players. Even when someone else higher-rated looses they STILL complain. Let him enjoy his win. Who knows, if he studies his losses he might be an IM or even a GM one day. We all have our story.
@left_4_dead as for that statement, let me rephrase what I have in mind, Flagging your opponent in blitz/bullet chess is not considered playing chess, and is unethically sportly. But a win is a win. Hikaru of course if known for that behaviour, even though he knows how to play good chess, which of course he can use in bullet/blitz games. Your generalizing statements of Non-chess like play. You can still learn chess by playing blitz/bullet games online, but just dont use flag tactic as if its your strength. Play chess like normal, try to find the best moves at the shortest amount of time.
flag tactics are used as a strength in the end games. they were both running out of time. the object of the game then becomes to find the best moves in the time left over..or to swindle ur opponent the best that u can. chess isn't just cut or dry, black or white. flag tactics were applied at the necessary time @castleguy231.. i have no idea where u are going with this. he never claimed he was stronger than his opponent. just obviously (and with good reason) proud of beating such a strong opponent.

"Play chess like normal, try to find the best moves at the shortest amount of time." ...what? go back and look at the guys clock. he found the best moves possible in the shortest amount of time! he mated the guy! are you even on your side anymore? should he have resigned and gave up in a 30 second match because his opponent was ahead earlier before he started blundering all over the place? i think not. once again , congrats @Chessy64
@left_4_dead then whats the problem, I'm not taking sides. Yeah I agree flagging tactics is used in this game properly, but on my point of view, using flagging tactics won't make you improve your chess career.
also I checked his time before he mated the opponent, it was 0.9 seconds! Pure miracle :3 . That is of of course aesthestically pleasing for the winning side. Black still has more than 4 seconds, maybe he should try to see white's threat in less than a second, but he try flagging him, which is a terrible mistake. Now ,here we see an example of why flagging is not a good way of winning chess. Chessy64's opponent is too confident, as he is two pawns up and time he is logically winning , that he decides to use the flagging tactic. Now he suffers from not thinking and make blunders. A typical miracle then happened.
@left_4_dead also note that some grandmasters like Magnus Carlsen, (which is renowned to be good at endgame), doesn't really need to analyze that much, as even though endgames requires much more precision than middlegames, Almost all plans/principles, (like advancing the king towards the center, rook behind passed pawn) are the right plan in endgames.
oh a "typical miracle" . i wasn't aware those existed. this guy sounds like my father. he can not stay on topic. changes the conversation into something it never was to try to make himself right lol. talking about improving and advancing ones career. what the heck? the guy mated a 2700 and was quite proud of it. end of discussion. THAT'S ALL SHE WROTE!

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