

always the same with fixed initial positions, many studies are done, many hours are spent to memorize the best openings. It begins also for atomic chess.
Long live random position for every variant, long live chess 960 !
yes, it is feedback. New variants have always the same initial pieces position. My request is for a random initial position in every variant (at least as an option)
Right, misread your post, sorry. I don't think it's a good idea though because most likely many of the random lines will be forced wins for one side in antichess and especially atomic chess.
I think the point i that even if there are forced wins, the player would have to think to find them, instead of just memorizing or searching - that requires skill
what's "real" ? Something established centuries ago ? (I mean standard chess). The world evolves, chess can evolve too. The great champion Bobby Fischer brought chess 960 to light, because he wanted to favour creativity in comparison with openings memorization.
Anyway I just asked random position as an option for any variant.
In some variants, having the white colour may be a too big advantage, so another option could be an automatic rematch (with just inverted colours, of course), especially for rated games.
give me an example of a variant with an initial position allowing the white to win in one move. I'm noisy !
Fine. Let it be two, or three, or five. What matters is that it can be solved from the beginning. Which means there is no game to be played. There's no point to it, just as Tic tac toe.

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