
How many times can a player move in 1 second?

I have played some games where it seems like a player
has made 10 moves in under a second. Since it is usually during
an endgame a lot is going on and it is hard to keep track of.
So theoretically how many moves can be made in 1 second?

premoves don't deduct time here, it's up to the lag. so you can play entire 100% premovable endgames in 1 second against a slow player
Wow that's crazy that must take an incredible amount of
skill and experience. That explains what I have experienced.
Experience helps but there are a few endgames that are very hard to screw up, even with such little time.

I just a lost a game about 16 minutes ago, I premoved with 7 seconds and lost because of lag. I guess that's my fault for playing bullet with crappy internet lol
As far as I know the system adjusts for lag, the only time a shitty internet connection will kill you is if your remaining time is below your latency, I may be wrong!
@Lightsss #3 it's not even just against slow players. Two fast players could play an entire game in 0 seconds mutually premoving everything so long as they make their moves within the latency range.
@Hellontoast it does a good job sometimes, but it is nowhere near perfect. I just checked in a causal game and I lost 2.3 seconds after 7 premoves. The move-time graph only shows one of them as taking 0 seconds, the rest show as 0.5 seconds. What's strange though is that my latency right now is very stable and is at pretty much the lowest I ever get as nobody else is home

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