
Cat's or dogs

Dogs, dogs,dogs
If I haven't made myself clear,DOGS!
@SHAMENDRA said in #1:
> I like both you?


Do you mean Lions or Dogs?

BTW I wanted to reply when it was posted but lichess said "too many requests, try again
doggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg cat poop is too smellyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
dog 4ever
I can't touch dogs neither the fur, saliva or any body parts without needs. If I accidentally touch it, I need to clean using soil water and plain water. The ratio of soil water to plain water must be 1:6. I can't touch dogs purposely.
Actually i prefer both.

Hp: 69420
Attack: Bite

Hp: 42069
Attack: death stare

So if you're like me, you like when its raining cats and dogs :)
@ronin3b said in #8:
> I just wanted to answer outside the box and for the obvious error in the title
note: this is not my alt XD

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