
ICC Has Gone Way Downhill

PlayChess and FIDE Online Arena definitely do more about cheating than ICC at this point, that's for sure.

In fairness, ICC has had a server crash like a dozen times in the last few days. Multiple games just aborted during winning positions because the server died. Needless to say, I've been just hitting the 30/0 and 45/45 pools on since then.

Still, if I had to play a chess match that we KNEW was being monitored for cheating and it was a match that counted for ratings, I'd probably want the sleek and accurately clocked Blitzin to host the game than any other client.
Uhh I wouldn't count on FIDE Arena for good service. I don't know if you were around for the fake GM Thipsay debacle, but basically, one guy claimed to be GM Praveen Thipsay. He played across several sites, including this one.

We banned him before everyone else -- though we are still embarassed that he got on in the first place. Other sites followed a couple of weeks after... but FIDE Arena kept him around for MONTHS.

My honest opinion (I am not representing lichess here) is that all chess servers do an equally good job when it comes to cheaters. Yes, even, I think they do a decent job too. All that matters is where your friends play, the features and the usability of the service.

The only difference is when it comes to the high-rated players (like Thipsay), verified or not. And let's be honest, almost none of us ever get to play those guys. For everyone below master level, I'd say chess servers do just as well as each other in stopping cheaters. The people at that high level? There are only a handful of them that will cheat anyway, and they shouldn't impact your experience. Just my 2c.

Offtopic, slick discovered double checkmate in the captcha:

I prefer to use open source software.
Jin (software) was one of the decent software to use with ICC. Jin is primitive but with a beautiful chessboard and pieces imho.

Apart from that I never really liked ICC. Crappy website, troubles getting my ICC membership donation to work.

The only thing I liked about ICC was that it was much easier than on Fics to play against masters, titled players.
It is kind of interesting to have the chance to win and draw against FMs and IMs.

Fics was my favorite chess server since years, but having to beg for a tourney, with a fluctuating amount of tourney managers, and with server bugs not being fixed, and seemingly decreasing amount of players, it was eventually easy to say goodbye to Fics.

Lichess is my new favourite chess player server since several months.
The tournament setup on Lichess is truly amazing and simply the best. I prefer to use for forums with game viewer options, and for the groups to study chess.

On FIDE Arena anyone can get an official master title by paying FIDE. ACM requires only 1100 rating and costs 5 euros.

Almost every chess player can call themselfes a master now. :)

A positive point with FIDE Arena is it's pretty easy to challenge masters and they quite often accept.

On FICS i was banned after saying an account with fingerpage reset and rating cleared probably was a banned cheat. I thought the account wasn't active and it therefore was ok. FICS admin MoosMutz banned me immediately and insisted on not forgive it although i said it was mistake, I've now realized FICS admin Deadkings is monitoring my IP 24/7 and after few seconds attacks everything connecting from it with the personal message "Log out if you don't want more sanctions on your account."

Nasty and horrible behaviour. FICS head-admin chessty is never on the server. I've sent many mail to her and never got any response. I then decided to give up my account.

How is lichess handling IP-number storage? Are they stored even after a user has logged out.
Lichess won't fire a grand armada of bans at you without definite jurisdiction, at least...
Um, things that I don't like about ICC right now:

-They did away with the 45/45 pool and replaced it with a 25/10 pool. The 25/10 pool should have been added to the list of existing pools. Doing away with the 45/45 pool makes finding a game for one far less easy. Still, they have a 45/45 and 90/30 league that's overly active so it's not a huge issue.

- No restriction on multi accounting and you can pay to have a rating reset. Although once again, it's a pay server and nobody really would want their ratings reset unless they were pretty pitiful in the first place.

- It has a good size population. There are a lot of players logging in and out of it. Keep in mind that most people don't stay logged into Blitzin or Dasher when they're inactive so the list of "active users", when floating around 2500, is actually quite high. Still, I would like to see it's population increase and it does seem like some new blood has signed up recently.

Other than that, there are a lot of positives. Engines and DGT boards integrate with Blitzin better than anywhere else and it's very easy to save/store games and enter them into your database. The command based Blitzin does allow for more actual functionality than any other chess server and you can play poker, checkers, etc with a click of a button. They do also have the most chess variants. They have like 30+ different variants.

Their videos are probably the best in the business and their databases you can access are filled with just a ridiculous amount of games you can pull right up and run your engine on in seconds. The pairing pools are one of my favorite things there and it makes finding a game and keeping continuous play going for hours very easy. You can be in multiple pools at once and run multiple seeks at once. It's very practical and convenient.

They have an affiliation with the USCF now and, like, have rated online blitz and rapid tournaments a couple of nights a week. They have tournament servers that run 24/7 for all different time controls and organizing and joining a tournament of any time control is very straightforward. Of course, none of this is as user friendly as is but that's the price you pay for more functionality with software.

Last but certainly not least is the competition level. The pairing pools on ICC are hands down known as the toughest places to play games on the internet. Additionally, it's the most top heavy server in that it has more top titled players over 2300+ than any other server online. It's just been that way for years and still is that way.

Basically, it is the most all around "high tech" and competitive server. Still, for all but the more serious and competitive players, Lichess is going to give them more games against players at their level and is going to do it in a user friendly and intuitive browser. Same with So, of course, in the end it's all going to come down to what a player's expectations and requirements are out of a chess server.

As someone else pointed out: Right now all of our servers available to us are pretty good and have something to offer. It's actually a great time for internet chess.
noct is right. I never liked ICC much and they are going down fast for the reasons stated above.

lichess is the future.
I mean compare that to GICS !

GICS is there for ~ 20 years now, hosted by a university, and they have absolutely no people playing there. Yet they will never change their registration policy. They enjoy being losers. Just wasting government money. LOL

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