
Training: Indicate goal?

Would it be possible in the TRAINING section to indicate the goal of the puzzle? Like "MATE IN 3" or even just "MATE" vs "WIN MATERIAL"? Maybe if that seems like too much help have the hint just in EASY mode.

As a beginner I find it kind of hard to figure out what the puzzle is asking me to do. If I just had "MATE" or "WIN MATERIAL" that would really help.
This would also be helpful for advanced players and a valuable upgrade to the puzzle section since many puzzles are flawed in a way that i.e. a mate in 5 is easy to spot while a mate in 4 is required.
I agree, and I agree it should be optional as well. Sometimes it s good to train without knowing, just like in a game.
#3 I agree with regis74 because in some puzzles I do not know where to start. I question the puzzle, maybe there is no answer and it is trying to make a fool out of me. LOL, of course there is an answer. bye friend
I also think indicating a goal would be very useful. When I learning Go (Weiqi) over the passed 10 years, all of the puzzles I encountered were either categorized (e.g., life and death, end game, etc.), or we were given an options of tasks (e.g., kill the group if possible or play H8 if impossible). I'm not sure what the equivalent categorization in chess would be, but I assume certain moves and concepts can be categorized. One example of a task option could be: capture the white queen if possible, otherwise move your king to a safer position. This helps players solving the puzzles understand what specific skill the puzzle is aimed at developing and also gives them a starting point for solving the puzzle.

There were even basic puzzles showing concepts such as a creating eyes for life, creating ladders, creating strong shapes, etc., and in chess equivalents would be double pawns, pawn islands, pinning, forking, etc. A beginner player would be able to learn the names of different concepts, as well as their uses through solving the puzzles.
When a goal is indicated like Checkmate in 3 and etc. it narrow down the field of search. Phrase like "Find the best move for white or black" widen the field of search and make the puzzles more difficult and challenging. It challenge one to read the chess board and seek out the possibilities into the future. bye.
I understand that, but perhaps on EASY mode there can be some kind of hint, even if that hint is only stating whether to MATE or WIN MATERIAL.
iamoldlob: Not everyone is at a play level that they can spend an hour analyzing a board and come to the correct answer, training is needed to get to that point...
That is what is being asked here, allowing the limiting of "search" and "depth" to novice levels, even the "easy" puzzles are not easy to solve till you have an actual handle on tactics and position.
#7 and #8: Oh! I understand now especially SilasDugan's wise comments. Suddenly I woke up. Thank You. bye friends.
As much as I'd appreciate this as an optional feature, I really don't think it will happen.

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