
Does anyone else's ratings swing wildly back and forth?

My ratings on lichees swing back and forth between around 1290 to 1560 or so like around once a month. I find this kind of discouraging and I wonder if I am alone in experiencing this. Your feedback, comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much!
After I first reached 1700 my rating dropped right back to 1500, now it's rather stable. To me it was mostly a morale problem. You talk about it being discouraging and that might be part of the problem. Once you get discouraged it can go downhill quite a bit. Don't think about rating that much!
Depending on how good or bad/tired I feel my blitz rating goes up and down between 1850 and 2100.

But that is nothing. It would be really worrying if my classical rating would jump quickly like that.

If you are talking about your blitz (or bullet) rating, then have no worries.

Besides that : imho in the end the chess content should count (no word joke intended), instead of the numbers of the ratings or the numbers of the game results.

I am actually sad that there's quite a few players who start to premove like crazy when they have 10 seconds left in a totally lost position while I still have 3 minutes.

A waste of time for both players.

Focus on chess content!

Try to play an immortal chess game!

Forget about rating and clock, and be creative and play for beauty, and create nice chess games to share with others, to inspire them.

My attempts to write about creative chess :

You might just be "on tilt"; just not on your finest form. I often find that if I lose one game, I'm more likely to continue losing and vice versa. If you find yourself starting to lose a couple in a row, I suggest just taking a relaxing break for like 30 minutes.

Of course, I'm horrible at doing this myself. I usually continue to play on anyways, and that's why you can see at points I can go from 2200 -> 1900 in a day.
Yeah, same here. Rating definitely goes up and down. I think the site aids in that due to the large amount of games that are played in a short period of time. If you are off or tired then you could easily lose 80 points in a tournament.
Ratings are just an indicator of someone's potential in terms of their strength. Just like anything in life, people will have their good days when it seems they can do nothing wrong and people will have bad days when it looks like the person has never played chess.

The important thing is to take things in stride. Just enjoy playing when you are doing well and laugh off the hurt when you are not doing well.
Nope, nope and nope. At least do the author a favour and assume he's not 'tired'. That assumed, there is something a bit more in depth going on. Step up the statisticians among you...Let's get the Glicko 2 sorted....
My personal contribution is there are a heap of new people playing on the first night of a weekend.....

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