
A New Variant

I'm doing something called a "Genius Hour" or a "Passion Project" at school and trying to create a new variant. When I'm done, (in about 4 weeks) I will post the variant here. Does anybody want to try it?
Thoroughly dependant upon premise/rules, but maybe.

For reference, I hate racing kings, find antichess to be not for me, like crazyhouse, love atomic and absolutely bone alice chess. If your variant sounds like it will appeal to me, feel free to PM me the rules, challenge me to a correspondence game using real boards, or whatever.
I'll try it assuming it makes sense.
I'll try it too.
BTW I'm doing research in the field of creativity do you have any web resource or material where your project is described?
I found a cool variant called Knightmate. I didn't invent it, but it is cool. The knights are replaced by kings and the king is replaced by a knight. You have to mate the knight, and the kings are capturable.
I will try pretty much anything at least once. Let me know when you are done.

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