
I can't understand why my position is so good...

Good morning all.
In the match I linked, after 8th move Stockfish says I'm +1.7...but I can't understand why!!
I mean, material is even, all the major pieces are in the starting square.
Perhaps my bishops are slightly more active than my opponent and my pawn structure has a better grasp on the board center?
It can be, but my pawns are quite static, and in any case, is it really an advantage that's worth two pawns or so?

Any opinion is appreciated!!
Because your oppenet knight on c6 he can not make c5 pawn break.Also his bishop is stuck.Also you can eaisly play e4 to control of center bla bla bla...
You have very nice control of the position at the positions you described. I will try to demonstrate some of the points that make it so favorable for you:
- Black's bishops are extremely passive. The Ba5 has no good squares and is just staring at well protected pawn chain, the Bc8 has only one move and it is terribly passive, mainly because of the e6 pawn.
- The Ra8 can't get into the game easily (which is a result of the bad Bc8)
- You have nice control of the center where black only controls d5
- The b7 pawn can become a target by activating your rook on the b file. If black chooses to defend it this means that one piece (either the Rb8 or the Bc8) will remain passive
- Black has no effective way of freeing up their position, the e6-e5 break can't be played at the moment and the move c7-c5 is still far away

I hope I have helped you, if you are interested in anything more feel free to ask or send me a private message if I can help you with coaching or any other way :)
9 Bb5 and 11 Bd3 cannot be right: play 9 Bd3 right away. You have full control of the center.

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