
Add Kosovo to the list of countries

I don't see why not. Kosovo is a partial recognised country. (Some territorial disputes) And since Taiwan's flag is here. (Which isn't recognized by majority of FN as a country)

Perhaps to solve this problem, so as not to make it political. Lichess could change the word from "country" to "region"
Seriously, even Antarctica is here :D
Fun fact:

In portuguese, "kosovo" means "with eggs".

- Querida, onde estão ozovo que coloquei aqui?
- Eu fiz arroz kosovo.

translate to:

- Honey, where are the eggs I put here?
- I made rice with eggs.


Now you can go to duolingo and start learning portuguese as a new language. It is a beautiful language, in the "romantic languages" category, with roots in latin and greek.

#6 it certainly has a federation, nothing else... I'm not talking about politics whatsoever
Woah, drbeco!

Now that is a Portuguese insider joke that probably nobody here understands. To make "kosovo" out of "com os ovos" is for advanced speakers at least. Yes, one can paint with Portuguese in words ... mas aqui fala-se xadrez :-)

Kosovo. Just another not self-reliantly viable cripple state. Yugoslavia would make a fine pearl in today's Europe. All these remnant "states" - may their people be as proud as hell - are just a pain in the butt.

They belong in the list, of course!
Anyway, the point is taken that Kosovo should make the list and I really, really don't feel like explaining why Catalonia is different because it's obviously different.
You think it's different, but when i compete in international tournaments otb, they put a catalan flag next to my name

Under Spanish law, lawfully exiting Spain would require the Spanish parliament to amend the constitution. It may be difficult for an independent Catalonia to gain international recognition; for example, many countries fail to recognize Kosovo, despite Kosovo having a strong humanitarian claim to independence. Most of Catalonia's foreign exports go to the European Union; Catalonia would need Spain's permission if it wishes to eventually re-enter the EU following secession. Catalonia already runs its own police, schools, healthcare, transport, agriculture, environment policy, municipal governments; other institutions, such as a central bank and a revenue collection service, would have to be rebuilt, possibly losing existing economies of scale. Accounting measures vary, but the BBC and The Washington Post cite estimates that in 2014 Catalonians may have paid about 10 billion Euros (or about US$12 billion) more in taxes to the State than what it received in exchange. As of 2014, an independent Catalonia would be the 34th largest economy in the world. Should Catalonia secede from Spain, some residents of Val d'Aran (population 10,000) have stated they might break away from Catalonia, although others state that the local identity has only been recognised by the Catalan Government, something the Spanish State never did.
That's because politically, Catalonia is inviable.

You certainly aren't talking about Kosovo, in a topic entitled "Add Kosovo to the list of countries."

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