
Please restore 'rotate board' button!


Since a few days, the 'rotate board' button is hidden underneath the options button on the right.
However, before it was just clickable, and I miss it.

Could it be returned??

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This new interface change got me thinking of an idea.
There are 4 spots where there can be icons.

1) The "rotate" icon can be in the top left corner again.
2) The new "voice input" can be in the top right corner, replacing the "analysis board" icon where it used to be, replacing the current drop-down menu.
3) A "zen mode" icon can be to the left of the "take back" icon, with good space between the two for mobile users.
4) A "keyboard input" icon to the right of the "resign" icon, again providing good space.

The rotate feature is useful for watching the Lichess TV. That way, you can flip between the two players to see their perspectives.
This is good for training. The current "analysis board" icon is not useful for Lichess TV because you can only analyze a game when it's over. So there is no use for it in the Lichess TV.
Also, there is no need for an icon for that as there is already a "analysis board" button when the game ends.

As for the "Game display preferences" and "Game behavior preferences", I don't see a use for them to be in the immediate interface of a game.
A player is most likely not going to be looking at their preferences during a match and there is already the gear icon in the top right of the web page.

What do you guys think of this idea? Petition to try this out?

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