
Feature Request: Kriegspiel


I just wondered if it is possible to support Kriegspiel as a variant on LiChess. As possible extensions of this idea, we could make Kriegspiel forms of all the variants and teach Stockfish to play them.

Additionally, the engine would have to provide a range of moves on some boards to signify every move included in GTO. Also, the move would have to be dependent on move history as well as the current position. Both of these are challenges to be considered in adding an analysis feature for it. However, I see no harm in just creating the variant meanwhile so that people can play it, since we already have so many variants that are so popular. Stockfish doesn't necessarily have to be able to play it well to consider adding it as a variant.
lichess is a complete information game, the developers have said that they have no interest in implementing chess variants that are incomplete information.

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