
Threefold repetition - cannot claim draw


In a few games I've had the same issue. After the same position has been reached three times, I wanted to force a draw (button appeared), but then my opponent quickly made a new move and I couldn't anymore.

I would be happy to see if the draw can still be claimed even though the opponent made a move after threefold repetition.
AFAIK, you have to claim the draw *before* making your own move - similar to OTB, where you only have to write down your move, and then claim the draw before executing it on the board.
This excerpt from the rules is why you have to click the claim draw button before making the third repetition. Your opponent would have a slightly different rule, not quoted here.

The FIDE Laws of Chess say:
> 9.2 The game is drawn, upon a correct claim by a player having the move, when the same position for at least the third time (not necessarily by a repetition of moves):
> 9.2.1 is about to appear, if he/she first indicates his/her move, which cannot be changed, by writing it on the paper scoresheet or entering it on the electronic scoresheet and declares to the arbiter his/her intention to make this move, or
> ...
> 9.4 If the player touches a piece as in Article 4.3, he/she loses the right to claim a draw under Article 9.2 or 9.3 on that move.
This question comes up every so often. Maybe there should be a section in Learn about the fine points of draws?
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@sheckley666 said in #2:
> AFAIK, you have to claim the draw *before* making your own move - similar to OTB, where you only have to write down your move, and then claim the draw before executing it on the board.

Does this mean that in official OTB, the move must be written down prior to performing the physical piece movement?
@heallan said in #6:
> Does this mean that in official OTB, the move must be written down prior to performing the physical piece movement?

The way to claim a draw OTB is to write down the move, pause the clock, and then make the claim (without making the move on the board). If the opponent disputes it, you can call over a TD. You never have to make the move on the board if it's a valid claim.

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