
I can't punish these openings :(

In a draw position i cant offer draw and im forced to resign stubborn computer :(

Black opening was slighty weak however i feel my moves were too slow against this type of opening. I need some advice from a strong player to how to play these positions.

Could be actually this opening cant be punished and only lead to a slighty inferior position or can i gain a more substantial positional compesation. ?
I can't help you with what moves to play, but I don't think you had to resign. Just a few moves more and either Stockfish would have to give another pawn or the game would be drawn by 50 move rule.
Black's opening is not punishable, this is probably just a slightly inferior sideline. With a 2.700 guy like Malakhov playing it regularly there must be something to it.

6.Bxc6 is a mistake. The Nc6 is a problem piece for black since your c2-c3 has taken its squares and on c6 it does nothing. With his d pawn blocked and the Queen on e7 Black can't regroup it, neither the Breyer way (c6-b8-d7) nor vie e7 to g6. Exchanging this piece helps black.

After that black is probably just ok. Your next moves until move 11 look normal, 12.a3 i am not a fan of and 13.d4 i dislike. Too early. Go Nf1-g3 instead. From there on i guess the game is equal at best, black may already be slightly better.

Let me add that i almost never play 1.e4 and never go 1...e5, so my only Ruy experience is watching game analysis videos. Hence the above may turn out to be wrong ;)
I'm curious to have your explanation on how you manage a 0/0/0 a level 8 Stockfish in a 115-moves game.
He got a kind of fortress with bishops of different colors. Sometimes you can get those positions even against a strong computer. Some months ago I myself drew against Houdini in a position the computer couldn't do much, although it was a pawn up. I think it's a lucky situation that get only after a hard work.
Why you refused to repeat the moves. It's a great result against a 3300 rating. A draw in this game equals a win. Only Karpov can win with white in this instalment. Moves a lot of positional maneuvering. There's no thought of tactics. Stockfish extinguishes any initiative of the white pieces. If you look at the computer assessment, it is white during the whole party was worse and they fought for the equation of the game. You played perfectly. To defeat the monster Stockfish, a person is practically impossible. This is a chance in a hundred games. Remember, even Nakamura lost to Stockfish engine.
Why did you move pawn to c3? That would normally be used to back a pawn push to d4, but with this variation his bishop is protecting his e5 pawn so you have to make sure your e5 pawn is protect by time he moves Nf6. You should have castled there and then played something like Nc3 then follow that up by working on moves like d3 and Re1.
As usual I think the goal against somewhat bizarre moves should not be to try to prove an immediate advantage, but to play as normal simply taking advantage of the fact that black has kind of wasted a move.

After just 4. O-O Nf6 5. d4 I already do not see what black is supposed to do. Taking on d4 loses a piece. Taking on e4 looks suicidal though it's something you'd have to calculate a bit.

Regardless I think just with natural moves white has already gotten a far better position than he could generally ask for. It's not like black's losing by force, but I do think white is clearly better.
scoreman i agree Nf1-g3 shuffle is better i think that miscalculate after d4 and eating in e5 would follow an equal position however i underestimated f5 and i was force to sac a pawn to ease black initiative.

About 12.a3 i dont know is the best but worried me that black could play b4 right away, then Ba6 and Rd8,because d3 ended to weak and the f5 black weak square that it left i could not make in time to obtain it.

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