
Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess

@thomassowell123 Those things only happen during Capitalism, or the last stages of USSR, during which it was governed by capitalists who called themselves communists.
Yeah, things were much better during the other stages of USSR... Especially in regards to women and black people, etc.
@crow000 I don't like talking about things I don't know of. I recommend you do the same. If you want the truth, there were nearly no black people in the USSR(and they were treated as normal people, though maybe looked at because it wasn't a usual thing to see), and woman had equal rights as men. There were a lot of women chess players, as chess in USSR and Russia(which inherited this) is well developed, if we're talking about Chess.
Communism is a political and economic system in which the government owns the means of production.

What that has to do with not being a sexist douchebag, I have no clue.
Idk how this thread went from sexism to communism ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Female chess players in Iran have to put up with unnecessary conditions of covering their hair, (Iranians in general can't play against Israel, and what not.)

IM Dorsa Derakhshani discussed those problems earlier this year: did we get to the political systems?

Mods, it is time to end this debate.
It seems to me that certain people love to cry 'Communism' at the faintest hint of anything they don't like. It's a catch-all excuse to dismiss anything without actually debating the merits of the concept itself. And, oddly enough, most of these things tend to be aspects of basic human decency.

Caring for the poor? Communism!

Gender equality? Communism!

Equal rights for minorities? Communism!

Taking care of the environment? Communism!

Taking steps to make sure people are safe during a pandemic? Communism!

Not kicking puppies? Communism!

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