
I were auto resign.

I’ve never come across this problem before. Can you explain how to replicate it/what happened.
@AlexanderNiLaUsEn said in #3:
> I’ve never come across this problem before. Can you explain how to replicate it/what happened.
i were playing.and that were my turn .i were suddenly auto resign when i minimize my chrome for a liitle bit
@ThanugaSL That may be because, while resizing the window, lichess changed the GUI to fit the screen size (aka: It moved some buttons/objects around). You probably clicked again, after resizing, accidentally hitting the resign button. I have played lichess lot on my iPad and on a laptop but have never encountered any such issues. The only similar thing I had to this was when I was resizing (fullscreening) my window and accidentally sent a draw request. Thankfully, I cancelled it.

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