
Category Symbols

(I don't know if this is "feedback" per se but this was my reaction to them)
I was wondering where the symbols for the chess timings and the variants came from. At first I was really confused between bullet and blitz because the symbol for the bullet is a lightning bult, but blitz means lighting in German...
For my part, I only play chess 960 and, since the symbols have appeared, more players than before leave or cancel the game when they realize it's 960.
The indication "960" in the "Mode" column was more visible before. Please could it be restored ?
Thanks a lot
I agree with farnsworth, I think I get a lot of people playing 3-check w/o really knowing it (1. d4 e6 2. c4 Bb4+ etc). It was easier when the "960" and "3+" labels were there. In fact, I was trying to figure out what the 3-check icon was at first.
I guess that you've never tried to join a Variant game before, then.

If you try to join a variant game from the homepage (i.e. 960, KotH, 3+), you are shown a "This is a [960, KotH, Three Checks] game. [explanation of variant], are you sure you want to join? [Recall | Join]"

So people who join your games and cancel are just a-holes that don't read what's right in from of them. It's a BIG alert.
But I get what you mean. perhaps the variants could be coloured slightly differently to make it visually obvious that they are different.
"I guess that you've never tried to join a Variant game before, then."

My personal experience (I don't know if this is how it is supposed to work) is this. The very first time I joined a 3-check game it told me. The very first time I joined a KOTH it told me. I don't remember but probably the same with 960. But only the first time. Now I join 3-check games a fair amount, and it never warns me. Admittedly, I wouldn't want a warning *every* time I joined a 3-check, so I don't know what a good fix. Maybe if you try to join a variant game that differs from your last previously played game?
i have to agree with farnsworth: quiet a few first-move cancellations on fisher random. to add my suggestions on solving it to already proposed one by Clarkey, i would perhaps consider putting the "mode" column before the "time" to focus on the less obviant thing when accepting the challenge. or maybe even dividing the "mode" column into separate a) rated/unrated and b) blitz/bullet/standard/koth/960/3+ columns. probably with the possibility to sort them to supplement the filter option already implemented. cheers!
A "don`t show this alert again" option would work both for players who want to play that var and for those who don`t.
People would disable them regardless, and it isn't a good design implementation.
I'd just say mark all variants with red. It'd be a little crazy if every variant got it's own colour, but the most important thing to know is that it isn't a normal game. So only one colour is needed for that.

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