
Do you take your worries about your lichess rating to bed with you ?

Do you sIeep weII after having pIayed your rated games ? I do sometimes. For now, good night, it is Iate at night in western europe
Performance is the key, i always watch it on tournaments to see if i did good or bad.
Why? There are so many players on this site who shamelessly manipulate their rating, and the mods do nothing about it.
My wife says I should give up chess, because when I get into a losing streak my mood is bad al the time. I have lost three straight, and the last one was sus. If it continues like this I will drop chess completely. It's not fun anymore.
@WhiteOnlyIsTrash said in #4:
> Why? There are so many players on this site who shamelessly manipulate their rating, and the mods do nothing about it.

My last game was that way. I played with 89% accuracy and was destroyed by a 1030 rated player who had 95% accuracy. I never had a chance. Very sus.
@toxic_internet said in #6:
> My last game was that way. I played with 89% accuracy and was destroyed by a 1030 rated player who had 95% accuracy. I never had a chance. Very sus.

And yet you're 1130 rated. Very sus. OR would you like to admit to having an alt, thus also participating in rating manipulation?
@WhiteOnlyIsTrash said in #7:
> And yet you're 1130 rated. Very sus. OR would you like to admit to having an alt, thus also participating in rating manipulation?

People like you make it easier to drop chess, completely. Get help.
@toxic_internet said in #8:
> People like you make it easier to drop chess, completely. Get help.

Your opponent made 5 mistakes and a blunder. You had 6% less accuracy than they did.

And when a known troll tells others to "get help", they're often dismissed for the fool that they are.

Here is a game where you played with 96% accuracy.

Guess you must be sus.

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