
flagged after premove

@for_cryingout_loud said in #10:
> How do you propose lichess fixes it?

There are many possibilities, for example: allowing for negative time on the clock, only flagging after the move / a certain amount of time has passed. Or adding the ping-latency before the move, instead of after.
@Mark97 said in #11:
> There are many possibilities, for example: allowing for negative time on the clock, only flagging after the move / a certain amount of time has passed. Or adding the ping-latency before the move, instead of after.

first would lead to people seeing 0 thinking the game is over but its not and causing way to much confusion and will be abused to the end of time.

second hard to add lag comp for how long your move takes before it is made and sent to the server.

but this is anyway a case of an xy problem
we are dealing y solution while not addressing the main problem your connection
@for_cryingout_loud said in #15:
> um point being?

My point is: if you stop thinking in terms of problems, if you cease limiting beliefs, and start thinking about solutions, remarkable results may occur.

We do not need to magically solve ping latency to solve a problem like this. The main problem is not the connection, that is as it is. Nothing Lichess can do about it. But what we can do is think of creative solutions and create a better experience.
@Mark97 said in #16:
> [...] But what we can do is think of creative solutions and create a better experience.

We can indeed, but what tends to happen is that a better experience for one person means a worse experience for another. In this case it's a balancing act between compensating players for their poor connections while not making other players wait too long.

Perhaps there might be some breakthrough which no-one has thought of. But chess servers have been grappling with this problem for 30 years. This long experience does tend to show where the best compromise lies.

Limitations like the fact that we all experience the same passage of time (tiny effects of relativity notwithstanding!) may be annoying and stifling to creativity, but ultimately we have to live with them.

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