
New to chess. Question on where I blundered.

Hello everyone. My name is michael, and I have begun playing chess as of January of this year, and I am absolutely in love with the royal game. Anyway,

this is a game I played earlier. The computer says I blundered at one point. But when I go over the analysis it does not tell me where I did. I can't seem to find any real big errors in how I played besides some inaccuracies and maybe 2 mistakes. I did lose an incredibly elaborate check mate that I do not think would have played out how the computer shows because I think he would have played a different move had I done what its suggesting. Also does the engine find these best moves and check mate sequences based on what the player did play during the game? or is it based off of the opponent actually not being able to counter it, because the sequence it shows looks like white has a few other moves available in order to get out of the sequence the computer is showing. You would have to add additional moves in if he was to play a different way. Anyway if anyone can answer how I blundered in this game please do, I am 23 and really in love with chess. I wish I had discovered the game in school when I was young, but I looked at it as a nerd only type game. Wish I could go back. I can't get enough now. Videos tutorials, everything. Wish I could afford a coach. lol
The blunder was when you lost the forced checkmate. When it says you lost a forced mate, that always means blunder (it will not say both, just that lost the forced mate sequence).

There was only one other option for white other than the forced mate line the computer suggested (21...Nd3+ 22.Kg5, etc, which you did not play so you lost the forced mate here). The King could have moved to f3 instead of g5, but would be mated in the same number of moves anyway (As 22.Kf3 Rxh3+ 23. Kg2 Rg3+ 24. Kf1 Rh5#) If the white rook takes the black rook at 23. Rxh3, then 23...Ne1#
The blunder is when you lost the forced checkmate by playing 21... Nc4.

You also lost forced mate on 24... Re1+. However, that is not counted as a blunder because you have 10+ advantage over your opponent according to Stockfish, at which point it ignores the gravity of your errors.
Well obviously I still have a lot to learn. I miss so much it seems like even though I try to examine every move.

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