
do u have a pet

But here i want to share some information but i don't know it is true or not.
Human is categorised as animals too, right?
Because human is categorised as mammals and some animals are categorised as mammals too -giving birth.
So if human is categorised as animals, that means i have more than a pet -my brothers.
If i'm wrong, please tell me...
@NURHUMAIRA ugh.. it is a known fact.. that humans are ( the worst ) animals. But considering a full sized human as your pet cant be taken into account ig
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@MenacingFierceTiger said in #25:
> The parrot wouldn't be on his body all day lol.
> Sorry, I didn't realise that, I mentioned it because most bird owners often keep them in a cage, which, in my opinion, is cruel.

I know :(

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