
Getting better with openings

Openings are very hard to me, any tips how to learn faster?
Try practicing your openings and defenses at The queen pawn opening is easier to master than most. For defenses, the French Defense is good against the king pawn opening. Against the queen pawn opening, try the queens Indian defense

A useful feature of is it shows the top 4 best moves, but only after you make a move :). And there is no hint button.
Do not worry about openings, get better at chess.
Without giving general chess advice and simply answering your question: was explicitly built for that purpose.

Well with the risk of your games not representing your real skill as I see you haven't played that much on this site, but as far as I could see from a few of your games I spectated, you need to focus a bit more on general opening principles rather than theory.
Principles as occupying the center, developing your pieces, getting your king to safety etc are far more important and beneficial to keep in mind compared to long theory lines.
Maybe you should consider contacting a coach (if that's the case I am happy to help) to focus a bit more in what you are struggling. Sites like and other resources can be very beneficial when you need to memorize some lines, but I feel that this is definately not the thing you are looking for.
Anyway good luck on your learning journey, happy to help if I can :)

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