
Mistake in the Lichess three-check rules

In the three-check variant, a player wins (besides the standard chess winning possibilities) if his/her opponent's king is in check for the third time of the game. This means that a third check should always lead to a win.

However, on Lichess this is not the case. Consider the position below:

It is white to move, and as two checks have already been delivered, only a single additional check wins the game. In this case: 18. Rxf7#. However, since the rook is pinned, this move is not allowed.

Therefore, I would like to request the Lichess development team to consider this.
You cant make a move that puts your king in check, this is part of the rules
Yeah, so just like you can put your king in check in regular chess to checkmate the opponent? Because mate ends the game?

I guess this is a thing...
> (besides the standard chess winning possibilities)
In the standard rules of chess it says that the king cannot be threatened either

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