
Chess 960 General

I've been spectating a few chess 960 games, they interest me greatly. One thing I've noticed is that in the beginning, players tend to copy each other's moves. They don't seem to adjust with their own thinking, and this doesn't reflect normal chess games.
Is this a strategy you employ? I can't say whether it's effective or not, as you may be playing into the other player's trap, but it certainly gives you thinking time.
Also, what do you think of this mode of chess? I like it, I hope more people here play it.
I personally follow general principle of opening with an extra of looking for immediate threat.
That's basically it for a player at my level :)

Copying moves sometimes come from both player realizing same pattern which is supposedly "good", like adjecent bishops (g2 g7, f3 f6), nullifying same threat or something like that.

ChessNetwork(youtube) play quite a number of interesting 960 games if you'd like something to watch.
I had my first chess960 evening yesterday, and it earned me one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. I love 960chess and hope more people start to play it. It is chess, the same rules, but with many interesting new positions to discover, and preparation and opening theory is useless, creative thinking and calculation is the only way. Let's play more chess960 people, it is really good for your mind, and improves your skills on the chess board! :) by the way here is the game from yesterday:
There castling? how it happens?

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