
App update??

I'm sorry for complaining I'm really grateful to lichess for it's service . But you've not updated anything on the app for a long time, we still can't get many features on the app which we get on the server first it's the practice feature I can't get it on the app we don't have puzzle Strom racer or puzzle themes, second it's the apps system design it's the same for long long time and can you please let us add our own background and our custom chess pieces on the app even if it makes the app to use more storage I don't mind but every time I need to use lichess on my phone I have to go on the server instead of the app which becomes annoying at times
Lately the app freezes more and more when trying to launch a game. I hope it's a sign the mobile dev is working on it. For now, the app is clearly behind when compared to the website. A full rebuild will be more than welcome.
App maybe updated in future, but do not expect features like swiss tournaments and teams to be there soon.
The app is being reworked, as mentioned in #2 - But in the meantime, you could use the mobile browser version, which is pretty good to use, imo.

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