
Search "user:Cab01nk"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Exercises in lichess.#1

Have any of you done any exercise of chess where u have to do the the best move, and you see a board where your own nickname appears in the exercise? Alguno de ustedes a realizado algún ejercicio de a…

General Chess Discussion - How many favorites games do you have?#2

Every game I play, I just hope to can archive another.. But untill now i only have 5 favorites games of about 200 games. (2.5%)

General Chess Discussion - How many favorites games do you have?#1

Every game I play, I just hope to can archive another.. But untill now i only have 5 favorites games of about 200 games. (2.5%)

General Chess Discussion - Why people doesnt resign and leave the game??#1

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Game analysis - So I won my best rated blitz today against a 2000 rated#6

Great mate! i like it. Congrats.

Game analysis - Never give up#1

The move 24 was essential in this game. I was going to lose this game, but my opponent thought he´´d will kill me in two. This game is one of my favorites, what do u thing? (My time passed from 4:44 m…
