
Search "user:Jcolemang"

13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Why would anyone play against people with "provisional" ratings?#2

Lichess has a feature to hide all ratings on the site that might suit you, it can be found under the Display menu in the settings. I leave it on all the time to avoid worrying about things like this.

Lichess Feedback - Do any of the reports get reviewed?#6

@possum_hollow the best thing to do is to report and move on. Someone either already has looked at the report or is going to, checking profiles waiting for an account to close is never going to make y…

Lichess Feedback - Server analysis is slow#2

My understanding is that the vast majority of game analysis is done by volunteered CPUs so this is unlikely to be a direct issue with lichess itself. You could run fishnet…

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect time showing for game in swiss tournament#2

I checked the next round and confirmed that it is counting down from the starting time of each players move in the tournament view. Someone very helpfully decided not to move for their round which mad…

Lichess Feedback - Incorrect time showing for game in swiss tournament#1

In this swiss tournament I'm seeing the incorrect time for the game in the tournament view. When I refresh it shows the correct time for the player on move for about…

General Chess Discussion - Who is "lichess-rambo"?#16

@Repiked #12 Ah ha! Good find, thanks! I'll have to keep an eye out for the other server names too.

General Chess Discussion - Who is "lichess-rambo"?#9

@selfbrain #7 Here's the gist Here's the screenshot @SnOwbUDdhA #5 I have fishnet, I'm just not sure who li…

General Chess Discussion - Who is "lichess-rambo"?#1

Played my first classical game in a long time and glanced at the analysis board after. A computer analysis had already been provided right after the game by "lichess-rambo" who does not appear to be a…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Proposal: Fishnet analysis profile counter#9

@MadNutella I agree that I think that keeping a public rating (or karma, points or whatever) would be silly although I think a difference between translators and fishnet is you would have to deliberat…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Proposal: Fishnet analysis profile counter#6

I don't know that I would want a rating in that I don't know that it would make sense to compete, even if that competition were private. I'm more thinking something comparable to the wings for contrib…
