
Search "user:Lorenznickl"

7 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Fun stats about the Lichess 2023 Winter Marathon (3 0)#2

played together with @Racelol GGs to him he showed great motivation getting the best rank of every <1200 player and @racelol remember the Komasaufen

Off-Topic Discussion - What are some hobbies you have, but your friends aren't interested in?#21

Roadcycling, Mountain Climbing, Politics - and actually NOT chess.

General Chess Discussion - Is there a player like this?#14

Look at Technobyte1

General Chess Discussion - Is there a player like this?#10

NM JulianProleiko maybe you count him as one of that players he is like good in everything with only having a few yoestion marks (e.g. in classical but as a national Master you with FIDE 2100 you are …

General Chess Discussion - Is there a player like this?#4

Hahaha yes there is i once played with him but tbthe moment im playing 2023 spring marathon so i don't have time to look it up gonna do it maybe later but to sum it up his big goal was reaching 2k in …

General Chess Discussion - how to break 800?#32

The 800 level is full of people making mistakes. You are the one making that mistakes and if you are a bit better you realize how easy it is to see them. If I were you I would stop playing rated games…

General Chess Discussion - Chess is clearly a game of talent,isn't it?#12

No chess definitely is not talent. Its hard work. And mre hard work. After thousends of games ur will realize that you get better. My chess trainer said once: In the first 3 years I only lost. In the …
