
Search "user:Yowan"

21 forum posts
Game analysis - ZERO Inaccuracies, Mistakes, and Blunders!#1

I just played a game where apparently I made no mistakes at all and it was pretty awesome.

Game analysis - How did I play? with 1900! :3#9

The Reassess Your Chess by Jeremy Silman covers a lot of positional play Yasser Seirawan also has a lot of good lessons This pdf has nice little visuals of …

Game analysis - Nd5 afetr basic 4 nights#3

Seems like white is attempting to be aggressive for control over the center but Nd5 does not seem to lead to any advantages for white. After the variations i looked at black does not have an e or d pa…

Game analysis - How did I play? with 1900! :3#7

I agree with MessyAnswer, you should have moved pawn to c4 first to help fight for central control. Also study pawn structure, that will help improve your game a lot.

Game analysis - Theory behind Ruy Lopez#5

I think the Lasker defense pretty much stopped the Evans Gambit at GM level

Game analysis - Theory behind Ruy Lopez#3

Basically at GM levels the opening theory has gotten to the point where black comes out even in all of the variations of the Italian game and various gambits that derive from that opening, so instead …

Game analysis - St George Queen Sac#2


Game analysis - Interesting Knight Sac#1

What do you think of this move 18 for white. My goal was to trade the knight and a pawn for a rook and a pawn and gain momentum on the queen side where my attack was. After I made this move my opponen…

Game analysis - How do I not blow a winning position?#4

In this specific game it seems like you tried to start an attack on their king before you had a solid control of the center/a solid place for your attackers to attack from.

Game analysis - How do I not blow a winning position?#3

The puzzles on this site are really useful, studying positional chess theory has been helping me a lot too. Study positional theory and you'll know what imbalances to look for and how to take advantag…
