
Search "user:siggemannen"

29 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - The abysmal cheat detection just keeps getting worse.#60

@sparowe14 , agree, especially funny when players < 2000 are complaining. I've been playing online only since 2003 and it's same complaints, i guess people don't change much. At least i hope here they…

Community Blog Discussions - Is Eval by Time enough to determine Elo?#2

It feels a bit like the article jumps in the middle of things, i would really like to get "eval by time" explained first

General Chess Discussion - FIDE Women’s Grand Prix Collapses into "Chaos" as Players Withdraw#7

@Julianna_Pena said in #3: > So women got their own division despite chess not being a physical contest, yet now they refuse to compete. Meanwhile the US and its allies have used Ukraine as a money la…

General Chess Discussion - Using psychodelic drugs to improve chess#20

I've tried beer and i can say that for smaller quantities of it, it makes you play better (your mileage may vary, kids don't try this at home and other caveats apply) . Unfortunately the dosage is har…

Lichess Feedback - Can Lichess remember last "TV" setting#1

Hello. I'm watching mostly blitz, but every time you go to Watch -> TV, lichess starts over from "Top rated" which is usually some super-GMs blundering around in 1 0 games. Would it be possible for li…

General Chess Discussion - How do I get good?#21

What always worked for me was to avoid playing badly. And water, drink a lot of water.

Lichess Feedback - It should be a draw#34

I like most lichess rules, but this one is a joke, it's definitely a draw on another chess server which i won't mention by name :D

General Chess Discussion - I haven't played but one or two cheaters on lichess for about a year now.#20

Guys, try playing better? I've played a lot of games online and sure, sometimes someone maybe cheats but in the big run it all evens out, so why bother getting angry. Remember that your livelihood pro…

Off-Topic Discussion - Quoting people and Just saying "Yes" or "Yeah" or "I agree"#54

I agree... to disagree

Lichess Feedback - We should remove dislike button on Lichess forum, because it can harm users feelings.#38

Nice woosh. 3.5/5
