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61 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Study now harder to use#5

@mkubecek It turns out I had the window zoomed to 110% without realizing it. The contents have to be rearranged to make them fit. Thanks for your input. It got me on the right track.

Lichess Feedback - Study now harder to use#3

@mkubecek In a desktop browser, the chapter list used to be on the left. You could click on the chapters one by one and the content of the board would change. Now the list is below the board, and with…

Lichess Feedback - Study now harder to use#1

How is the new layout for Study supposed to be better? It's significantly more cumbersome to look through chapters.

Lichess Feedback - Can we please have a auto-save feature for Lichess blogs?#5

Writing in other software like Brian-E suggests is what I do, but I often won't use a local text editor or word processor because I can forget to save. Google Docs autosaves, so I use that. There are …

Lichess Feedback - Bug: "Black time out - Black is victorious" Lichess acts weird, I lose on time#9

@for_cryingout_loud It still seems peculiar that it said Black timed out, but anyway over 10,000 games and 129 hours playing and I've never registered that Lichess also gives the result on the top lef…

Lichess Feedback - Bug: "Black time out - Black is victorious" Lichess acts weird, I lose on time#7

@for_cryingout_loud The one I've been I've been referring to all along. Here's the screen grab:

Lichess Feedback - Bug: "Black time out - Black is victorious" Lichess acts weird, I lose on time#5

@for_cryingout_loud Thanks. Just out of curiosity, do know how a connection problem can cause Lichess to say Black has timed out yet won? I guess it's happened before, but it's very unintuitive.

Lichess Feedback - Bug: "Black time out - Black is victorious" Lichess acts weird, I lose on time#3

@for_cryingout_loud said in #2: I don't care about losing one bullet game. I report things like this in case they matter to the Lichess devs. Fortunately other people like you help screen false bug re…

Lichess Feedback - Bug: "Black time out - Black is victorious" Lichess acts weird, I lose on time#1

"Playing White, I moved with 20 seconds left. Nothing happened. My clock didn't tick, nor did my opponent's. After a few seconds my clock was suddenly at zero, and the game was over. None of Black's p…

Lichess Feedback - Bug: Board editor creates invalid FEN, analysis board accepts it#11

@laneo I've followed the software development industry for years, and one thing I learned is how hard it is for developers to see the user's point of view and not think we're idiots. Often they just d…
