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3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Ignore Inaccuracies and Known Opening Lines in Reviewing Mistakes#8

@clousems ...the way lichess decides what's an inaccuracy, a mistake, or a blunder? @Serious-Chess huh, I'm not seeing inaccuracies in review today either. Maybe I hallucinated it in the past.

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Ignore Inaccuracies and Known Opening Lines in Reviewing Mistakes#4

@Serious-Chess just not include those inaccurate moves in the "review your mistakes" list, so that it starts with moves that were more seriously considered or were worse mistakes. @clousems that's mor…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Ignore Inaccuracies and Known Opening Lines in Reviewing Mistakes#1

I would like a feature where I could "ignore inaccuracies" and/or "ignore known opening lines" when showing me mistakes from a game to review. I'd like to be able to review the more key bad moves in t…
