
(test) random RK article with memes#1

this is all from a forum post i made earlier this year ( about some random thoughts,memes and analysis i had about the variant racing kings

Now there’s A lot of really weird chess variants out there and Racing Kings are no different! No like seriously, if you take away the “mate the king to win” objective just how few chess variants do you have left? Like its that weird! (I at least cant think of any other than RK and anti) So in otherwords I would call RK very unique, refreshing (and cool ofc)
Unfortunately tho the fast majority doesn’t agree with me. It’s already a well-known fact that variants are by far lesser popular and played than any regular chess tc, but RK is still even below anything else. This week there was only 5500 who played RK. KoTH which is the second least popular had 5900 and like, that’s really just a fraction compared to regular chess with classical having 81 000, rapid 470 000, bullet 333 000 and blitz 710 000 weekly players! it’s a shame rk aren’t more popular but at least we have enough that lichess could bring back hourly rk arenas😊
Even rarer, and weirder would be playing it irl lol, like are there even any rk communities that play it irl? (Or even on any other webside than lichess??) Just imagine tho how difficult that could be, now as u don’t have anything that stops u from playing an illegal move. I think ud definatly need to have at least a very experienced player with u cuz otherwise there could be a very high chance that one would just casually play a random illegal move and neither even noticing it!
Pos. from game: @TheTaksa75 - @DrawingLikeAnish move:.10 Black to move and draw ( )

If ill continue talking about weird and rare things tho, stalemate is seriously not something that happens often! Ive played a total of 1700 games in total on this and my old account and ive only had one stalemate, and it was soo stupid!! As u can see, here I had the Ingenious idea of taking his knight instead of just pushing the king for some reason lol

Although I do wanna add I don’t feel alone when it comes to playing rk without knowing what tf im actually doing sometimes. Like srlsy I feel like every u1700 ever just push their king aall the time until I get to stop them with like a rook. they try to block only to then realize that they still cant push their king either cuz of a bishop blocking the h6 square, or by my 2nd rook now chilling on that rank. aand now they have to use several moves to get a piece up there to block that aswell since he didn’t bother developing ANY of their pieces.. But still tho I swear so many of those kinda endgames are so annoying! Either that or they do the opposite and value pieces way too much and just focusing on material adwantage while I can just casually mind my own business and push the king to the goal. Like its no in-between
Though its understandable, Sometimes just pushing ur king is the best thing to do. I feel like knowing when to push and when to take or develop pieces can be almost impossible some times. Like is it worth taking that random knight on the 1st rank?
(@drawinglikeanish- @original_king move6. What would u play here? Should I recapture the knight, push or something else?)