
Lichess coaches

FM Jaboder Lichess coach picture

FM Jan Boder

Schachspielen ist meine Passion und ich liebe es andere dafür zu begeistern

Location Germany
RatingFIDE: 2328259224102514
Hourly rate30€ pro Stunde, biete auch Kleingruppentraining (3 Personen) für je 15€ an. Kostenloses Probetraining möglich
WIM qween1 Lichess coach picture

WIM Mara Jelica

Mein Name ist Mara Jelica, ich bin Internationale Meisterin der Frauen im Schach und mehrfache Nationalspielerin für Kroatien und Bosnien-Herzegowina.

LocationDortmund Germany
Hourly ratenach Vereinbarungen
IM Pendlerschach Lichess coach picture

IM Martin Brüdigam

"Play - identify your weaknesses - work on them and improve - repeat." Have fun in the process!

LocationPotsdam/Berlin Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
Hourly rateTraining: 40 €
FM destroyernumber1 Lichess coach picture

FM Samuel Weber

You enjoy chess and want to be a better player? Well let me guide you through that process :) !

LocationFrankfurt am Main Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
Hourly rate30€/1h. 10 Stunden Paket 270€
GM Kazan28 Lichess coach picture

GM Lev Yankelevich

Most succesfull students: one student went from 1970 to 2100 FIDE Elo in only 4 months (k40) and one student from 2070 to 2200 in 12month(k20) FIDE Elo

Location Germany
LanguagesEnglish (US), Deutsch, русский язык, Français
RatingFIDE: 249624362572
GM carl2000 Lichess coach picture

GM Ilja Zaragatski

Teach me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and i will understand.

LocationHamburg Germany
LanguagesEnglish (US), Deutsch, русский язык
RatingFIDE: 25222508
Hourly rate70-80€, discounts available for block bookings.
FM Polstastisch Lichess coach picture

FM Christian Polster

Türme sind zum opfern da

LocationHannover Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 227325412442
Hourly rate30€/h
CM Magionator Lichess coach picture

CM Magnus Müller

Unlock your full potential with expert chess training!

Location Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 215025232313
Hourly rate20€ pro Stunde/ per hour
IM Fischerzet Lichess coach picture

IM Frank Zeller

Individualtraining: mit Begeisterung Schach trainieren!

LocationTübingen Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 23502448
Hourly rate50 Euro Basissatz, Pakete 45 0der 40 €, Rabatte möglich
FM AusHoin Lichess coach picture

FM Julian Zimmermann

Chess is always fun. Improving in chess is even more fun!

Location Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 234024052384246521542154
Hourly rate45 €