
Bye Bye bullet

Bullet is one of the worst variant if you want to ruin your chess skills. I have realized this and i even agree that i have lost my chess skills. I am quitting bullet and moving into blitz and rapid which is much better.
Also those who wants to imprive chess : STOP PLAYING BULLET.
@SamanyayGhosh said in #1:
> Bullet is one of the worst variant if you want to ruin your chess skills.

If you really want to ruin them, it is the best! XD

That's true, I played a few games and it is crazy, even strong players blunder quite often. Maybe this has no impact in their overall chess skills, though. But sure it doesn't help to improve.
@OctoPinky said in #2:
> If you really want to ruin them, it is the best! XD
> That's true, I played a few games and it is crazy, even strong players blunder quite often. Maybe this has no impact in their overall chess skills, though. But sure it doesn't help to improve.
True enough
must be something else in play than conscious will. There might have been some adrenaline involved at some point, and perhaps some cortisol mood wear, needing an adrenaline fix (or the memory of it, still not very concsiously).

It might be a behavioral trap as a sustained activity. When does one play just one bullet game per day, on a regular basis?

I would not know. I might have played only one in my whole life, not even sure anymore....
I stopped playing bullet, blitz and even rapid online. Well, I do relapse once in a while on an occasional Friday night (wink wink nudge nudge), but it is very rare. The only online format I still play regularly is daily (correspondence) chess.

What I really prefer and focus on is the classical OTB. The best way to improve your chess. And the most enjoyable, at least to me.
The next step is to realize that Blitz is no different.

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