
A position from my game shows up on cloud analysis

Basically what the title says. Here is the game.
The position after 29. c5 shows up on the lichess cloud. I have been bamboozled. This means that either there is another game that was played exactly like my own or one that transposed into it, or at least that somewhere someone has analysed this position before (maybe in some variations of their own game). I do not simply "want" an explanation; I need one.
When you analyse positions on lichess, the server saves your analysis in the lichess eval "library" for future use if it is deemed to be good enough. So say you come back to that position at some point, when you first turn on the engine, a request is made to the librarian to see if there is any available information on the topic. If there is, you don't have to do all the hard work of reproducing it again. This saves a lot of CPU hours and is a lot nicer to the environment.

If you do decide to do the hard work again and end up improving it, the librarian will replace the information with your work. In this way, you help future scholars looking for the most up-to-date information.

The full "library" of evals is available for download here:

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