
Bad sound when check

There is annoying short sound when check, in scheme Standard, could it be removed please?
Indeed, I can hear it too. At first I thought that it was just some problem with my speakers, but then I saw that it was always on a check.
Yes, there's a short clicking sound that's really annoying. I also thought it was my speakers but it's clearly not. It only started recently. Please fix it.
Yes, the clicking noise is really irritating. It wasn't always there, and i don't see how it really helps. Its just annoying. Please remove the feature.

same issue on my sound, although I don't think it's a feature but a bug with the browser maybe?
I also have the problem with sound "standard version" with Chrome 51.0.2704.106 m
with "ie 11,420" and Microsoft Edge: working properly

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