
Analysis Partner

Hi, I´m looking for an analysis partner to share ideas on openings and analyse games together online, like over zoom, or maybe on lichess. If your rating is around 2150-2300 and you would also like to analyze online, drop me a line. Thanks, best regards, Paul (Dragonberlin at Lichess)
I would like to know someone better before training together. As there are no other forum posts or anything that can be found about you it is kind of hard to say who you are and if it would be fun. Also I didn't quite understand if you speak english or german and if the rating you are expecting is online or FIDE. Seeing you are 2100+ in FIDE I guess you are searching for stronger players than yourself, which I certainly am not. Kind of unclear to me :) More info would be great.
Yes, I ́m looking for analysis partner Elo 2100-2400. I just pushed up my rapid rating to 2350, so farily serious.
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