
What happens to my soul when I die

He goes to Heaven to Heaven or Hell and there is clear evidence for that like séances
@dOnYa1386 said in #1:
> I'd like to trust wiki always ... said:When a person dies, the body turns to dust again, and the spirit goes back to God, who gave it. The spirit of every person who dies—whether saved or unsaved—returns to God at death. The spirit that returns to God at death is the breath of life.
Gets different according to religions
Straight to hell, where you will suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry, forever and ever till the end of time.
Part of the "The Last Judgment" by Jan Van Eyck, ca. 1440–1441
@Bernodus said in #34:
> Straight to hell, where you will suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry, forever and ever till the end of time.
> Part of the "The Last Judgment" by Jan Van Eyck, ca. 1440–1441
That is the most disgusting picture I have seen in the past week
@saurabhsangeeth said in #35:
> That is the most disgusting picture I have seen in the past week
Well yes, as it should be. Hell is not a very nice place.
But Jan van Eyck was one of the greatest painters of the Northern Renaissance movement.
Here is a self-portrait from 1433.
@Negmek said in #37:
> Why do you think you have a soul
Every man has a soul without And with the soul man is the most important creature in creationa soul a man is just a piece of meat
@EarlyLight said in #27:
> That is absurd and just hostile in terms of "conversation".
No, that's just an obvious counter-example. My first thought was to mention billionaires who have the perfect life, but although I am convinced most of them do evil stuff, I can't prove it so that would be a less compelling argument.
> There is no discussion possible when such absurdities are allowed in.
Actually @magicsacrifblunder contacted me by PM and we did have a bit of a discussion.
> Reducto ad Hitlerum: "Feels so ssmart. Looks so desparate."
Sorry if you're so thin-skinned. But when you (or someone else, it doesn't matter) go around and say stuff like "we live in the perfect world" or "bad things happen to bad people, good things happen to good people", you are completely disregarding all the atrocities that happen to innocent people. So you can't forbid me to remind you about those atrocities. There is absolutely no reason justifying them, but we should at least learn from them and stop saying "bad things happen to bad people, good things happen to good people". We should have the decency to remember.

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