
Search "user:Alientcp"

3560 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - What is the most effective way to learn a new language?#12

The grammar of any given language isnt that hard. That is quite easy to lean. The problem is the vocabulary. If you cant say what you want, where you want to go, you will be stuck with the first part …

Off-Topic Discussion - Something I've always wondered about#8

@Dukedog said in #1: > Why are we the way we are? Nature has no purpose, no meaning. So why questions are irrelevant, as they have no answer. We are the ones imbuing purpose to things or events. The q…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does anyone know who Soda Popinski is ?#2

Yes. My old time nemesis. Still is, though my tries are here and there.

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you get jelous of people who get a lot of emojis in forums ?#6

Annoyed is the word you are looking for.

General Chess Discussion - Wrong result given#7

To prevent this kind of events for the future, Make sure you capture all the pieces if you are running out of time to ensure the draw. As if there is any material for both sides, regardless at what it…

Off-Topic Discussion - How to get a girlfriend pt.1#61

Well, for starters, have a good hygiene, be in a somewhat decent shape, use clean clothes, and have something going for yourself. Dont chase them. They will come for you.

Off-Topic Discussion - Have you ever had any ( for lack of a better term) occult experiences#13

Have never used hard drugs, hallucinated nor had a stroke or brain aneurysm before, so no.

Off-Topic Discussion - Whats your own quotes?#42

Its not mine, but a friend says "If you are already fu@#$#$, might as well enjoy it"

Off-Topic Discussion - Who's the most famous person you've ever met?#49

@AyaanshGaur12 said in #45: > If he wanted to claim that he has "clean hands", then I'm sure he must have been guilty about a murder. He is the reason the violence spiked 250% on his term. His secreta…

Off-Topic Discussion - Who's the most famous person you've ever met?#43

The current president of my country. Also, when I was in the University, a former president (current at the time) visited the school by surprise (surprise for me at least). One of his mottos was "Teng…
