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18 forum posts
Game analysis - Offered a draw in a winning position.#4

#3 Ouch

Game analysis - How??#6

#4 Sure the engine suggest the 'best' line for that specific move - but has the engine taken into account the opponent I am playing against, his rating, his playing style and so on - do you get what I…

Game analysis - How??#5

#2 That makes a lot of sense. I guess that's why it is so much more enjoyable to play against humans then it is against engines; for me at least. Tal is incredible, I've studied his games heavily and …

Game analysis - How??#1

Recently I just played a 3+2 where it was a rather short game. We ended up playing 18 moves in total, a game which was rather similiar to me (position wise). If you can take a look at the game and the…

Game analysis - Bullet games?#3

#2 Your response was really in-depth and gave me an excellent overview of my question. What you said makes sense and was what I thought myself according to my own question. Thank you!

Game analysis - Bullet games?#1

So I just finished playing a bullet game recently, and it occured to me, upon seeing the analysis, that I've achieved a centipawn loss on 8 during 36 moves in a 1-minute bullet game? I can't even do t…

Off-Topic Discussion - Chess Tutor Recommendation#2

With all due respect, if you've played chess - note not learning - you should be able to be over the 1200~ rank mark. This is not exactly the 'perfect' marketing you're doing; rather expressing. On th…

Game analysis - What?? How!#6

#5 O okay Alright, means a lot. Thanks.

Game analysis - What?? How!#4

#3 That makes sense, is actually what happend too. Also, what do you mean by "well converted"? Furthermore, since you're the only one responding to me, could you take a brief look at another game that…

Game analysis - What?? How!#2

What a shit game tho
