
Search "user:Frogster64"

1462 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is this a good position? - Fianchetto help needed#3

I think you're better off showing us one of your games with fianchetto and asking us to comment on it. The position is fine, but you won't be able to achieve something like that very often.

Off-Topic Discussion - Who's the most famous person you've ever met?#37

I saw Don Johnson (Miami Vice) coming out of a hole-in-the-wall restaurant in San Francisco in the early 90's. The young woman with him didn't look like his wife Melanie Griffith. I didn't try to chat…

Off-Topic Discussion - The "First & Last" Game#20

#4 War of the Worlds, maybe? No clue about the other ones.

Lichess Feedback - players cancelling games to avoid playing black pieces?#8

> my guess would be that people not using the pool and creating lobby games with fixed colours instead causes more of an imbalance. As a side note, I always found it a bit strange that you can create …

Off-Topic Discussion - should pineapple belong on pizza?#6

Weird. No wonder there's confusion.

Off-Topic Discussion - should pineapple belong on pizza?#4

According to the Webster Dictionary, the definition: a dish of Italian origin consisting of a flat, round base of dough baked with a topping of tomato sauce, pineapple, and cheese, typically with adde…

Off-Topic Discussion - Music loud on TV but voices quiet, remedy ?#9

And I thought it was just me getting old. I actually do watch some shows with closed captioning on. I hate to miss any dialogue. Nice find, Toscani.

Off-Topic Discussion - The "First & Last" Game#14

@rachel8 said in #13: > It is a truth universally acknowledged / uniting them. Thanks! That sentence sounds familiar but I don't know which book it's from. :(

Off-Topic Discussion - The "First & Last" Game#12

I'll guess that #8 (In a hole) is The Hobbit. I know #1 #2 #11, but I'll let others speak up. I have a few wild guesses for the others but I don't want to embarrass myself. :) Edit: For the book start…

Off-Topic Discussion - Dad joke#11

My wife said that quilts are better than duvets. I told her to be careful making blanket statements like that.
