
Search "user:elturquo"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Sorting Games by different methods within Lichess#3

yes i use 'chess insights' functionality from time to time. My issue is that i may have played thousands of rapid games, but i would lie to examine what themes were evident when i did well (ie centipa…

General Chess Discussion - Sorting Games by different methods within Lichess#1

Is there a way to sort my (analyzed) games played (ie Classical ) by Centipawns Lost specifically?

Lichess Feedback - sounds not working while playing online on safari?#18

yes, this worked !

Lichess Feedback - sounds not working while playing online on safari?#9

i just encountered the same problem. Always worked well on safari until now (>20,000 games). but now no sound during play. [note: sound does work while analyzing someone else games.....strange]

General Chess Discussion - Chess terminology displayed visually#3

zwishenzug: I got to the end first...i win
