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6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - New Chess Game Idea#4

I think that if every player has 5 seconds to make a move no one will announce the moves. Many players simply watch chess because it is not exhausting. If you play Team vs Team and players put in so …

Lichess Feedback - New Chess Game Idea#2

like watching a Chess game..... and influence the game

Lichess Feedback - New Chess Game Idea#1

Hello, I´ve a new Idea for a new chess game/variante. Its a chess game for many players that play together one chess game. Like Team 1 versus Team 2 (more people) For Example 5 vs 5 Than play 5 player…

Lichess Feedback - Improvement#5

sometimes not to see the forest for the trees :-) But its great, i missed this function for a long time. now i can analyse my games on lichess and try to win with 2 different ways and look how its bet…

Lichess Feedback - Improvement#3

Ohh nice i never see that before but it works coool. so i can create chess positions with a bit winning potential and can play so long till i win... i think so i can learn rook endgames etc. very cool…

Lichess Feedback - Improvement#1

Hello, i have an improvement and you can think about that if you want. When i study my finished games or study the games from another player i am in the analyse modus. In this Modus i want to play my …
