
Search "user:lacedemon"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Years Played vs Years Studied vs Lichess Rating#13

I have been learning about chess for almost 14 years (sometimes leaving it for months), also I read some books and I played not more than 40 otb games (i got between 1900-2000 fide when i was 16, then…

General Chess Discussion - playing anonymous #5

From my experience, anonymous tend to insult more, either they win or lose... I don't usually play against anonymous players because of that. In addition, the fact that they don't show their real rati…

General Chess Discussion - Breaking 2000#5

In addition, play real chess tournaments. I have played few rated games, but I have learned a lot from them. Also, train tactics.

General Chess Discussion - can I be LM?#13

ooh I am just 7 years old, didnt know about the age!

General Chess Discussion - can I be LM?#3

yes, I knew that, but not all the LMs I saw have reached those requirements

General Chess Discussion - can I be LM?#1

just wondering if I've got the requirements to get that title! I see some others with my rating who have it, so I would like to apply for it! I don't think I could have any other chess title hehe!
